About the song.
When the new young women’s value, Virtue, was introduced in the fall of 2008, I had a strong desire to compose a song about it. I hadn’t really composed anything new since my pre-teen years, but as a then twenty-four year old, I had an impression that I should get my composing rear in gear (that sounds virtuous doesn’t it?).
However, even with that impression, I didn’t complete the song until eight years later. I’m glad God is patient with us.
When composing Virtue, I imagined a young woman full of hope for the future singing it. She reflects often on the agency she has to choose good over evil, and she knows that when she chooses good, she can stand with confidence before God NOW, and at some future day. Though not explicitly stated in the song, she is not defining “good” in her mind as morally relative, but rather a combination of solid choices that cause one to walk a path leading to their Savior, Jesus Christ.
This young woman recognizes that there is a strong pull in life, almost at all times, to walk a shady, dark path not in harmony with keeping the commandments of God. She remembers often that joy comes from obedience and not retreating into the abyss of the adversary.
The bridge of this song is probably my favorite part, it echoes back to the story of Esther. We have all been born in this time for a purpose. Heavenly Father knows that we have the spiritual strength to endure the adversity of these last days - He knows we can choose virtue, WE ARE HIS.
Because the young women values have been replaced with a focus on developing Christlike attributes (and Virtue is most assuredly one of His attributes), I know the song is even more valid today. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t have to give myself some sort of pep talk to make more virtuous choices; I hope this song can help strengthen others in their efforts to choose virtue as well.
This piece is dedicated to the lovely young women of the Kolob 11th Ward in Springville, Utah.
Scripture References: Ruth 3:11; Esther 4:14; Doctrine & Covenants 121:45