Be Still

About the Song.

This song kind of appeared out of nowhere. I knew I needed to start writing a new song, but I wasn’t sure what it should be about.

With some prayer, in a matter of days (in the summer of 2022) I saw Psalm 46:10 (“Be still and know that I am God…”) everywhere! I read it in my scripture study, I heard it spoken by church leaders and family members, and I thought the best instance was when I received a small card as a birthday gift from the bishop’s wife of my church congregation with that very verse inscribed on it.

I took that as a sign, and lucky for me, “Be still and know that I am God…” also sounded like a great hook for a chorus.

Around this same time, I heard a couple of quotes that I immediately recognized would be wonderful lines in a song:

”If it’s not good, He’s not done yet.” (I’m not sure who to attribute this to.)

“I have a great need for Christ: I have a great Christ for my need.” (Charles H. Spurgeon, a popular 19th-century Protestant preacher)

So, I went on a hunt for some church conference talks that referenced Psalm 46:10, studied some associated reference scriptures about God being good, and voilà! A song is born.

Also, a couple of months prior to the release, I read an article in a religious magazine of my faith that helped me to think about “Be Still” in another way (from my scripture study notebook):

”The idea that "Be still" can mean stop and listen to the spirit and direction from heaven, is true. But, "Be Still" can also mean, stop worrying about various things in life. God’s got this. Especially if you are praying, reading scriptures, following the words of living prophets, inviting Christ to come abide with you, and renewing and honoring covenants.

He will be with us.

This also allows for the fact that "Be Still" can also mean keep going, keep acting, and keep moving while you’re not worrying your head off in the background.”

I know God is with us in our struggles, I know He loves us, and I know that He is always lifting us to be better Saints, not only able to receive salvation but through Jesus Christ, exaltation.

Scripture References: Genesis 50:20; Deuteronomy 5:24; 1 Corinthians 16:34; Ezra 8:22; Psalm 46:10; Romans 8:28; Alma 31:38; Helaman 14:31

Ensign/General Conference Talks:

Peace, Be Still - President Thomas S. Monson

“Swallowed Up in the Will of the Father” - Elder Neal A. Maxwell

Our Own Road to Emmaus - Elder Patricio M. Giuffra